Friday, February 21, 2014

My fake complaint letter (One of my school assignment's.)

Dear Clean Sock's Department,

 I ordered a pair or ''Fresh and Crisp'' white socks which were half of. The shipping cost nothing and I paid $1.00. My package got delayed for 3 weeks. When I finally got the package then I opened it and you had charged me $13.00 for one pair.
  I looked inside the box and I saw that they were ''Shay Carl Argyle'' socks. I did not even order these.  It makes me quite mad that after having it been 3 weeks late then you charge me extra and also mess up my order.
  I would like to get a full refund, or I would like to get my socks that I ordered free of charge. I hope you understand my problem.

Isabelle Tower

My character sketch.(one of my school assigments)

My character sketch is about Priscilla the great.

    Priscilla is a ordinary teen girl,or is she? Priscilla has powers that make it so she can shoot fire out of her hand and she has super hearing. Her mom was a normal person once but got turned into a mutant. Her dad was a guard there and he set her free and the got married. Priscilla warmed up her bath as hot as she liked and  could warm up her food when it got cold.
   The only person she told at first was her best friend Taiana who tried to find a explanation but cant.
    When Priscilla finds out that her mom has powers too she is happy yet mad.She is mad because her mom has not been here for her when she she needs to be and her mom has not been working but saving other specimens from the experiment.
   Priscilla is kidnaped by the professer who changed her mom Priscilla is super strong too, when her dad tries to save her she kicks him in the leg and breaks his leg. She can read peoples minds, and has Telepathy. In the end Priscilla has to move and Specimen XI is out to get her.